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Introducing our newest service - Remote Shopping!

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

As we collectively continue to practice Social Distancing and take steps to keep us safe, at Stirring Jewelry, we are exploring new ways to continue bringing an amazing shopping experience to our customers. Changing times are making it necessary for us to tweak our shopping habits and practices - why not have some fun with it!

Staying at home and minimising contact with others is so important - especially at this time, to help stop the spread of COVID-19. And yet, we still need to continue with our daily lives, buy the essentials, go out to work, connect remotely, shop online. And that's why we believe that our newest service is so amazing - shopping remotely!

How is this different from online shopping? Instead of simply looking at a picture or a descriptionof an item - you can experince shopping via video call from the comfort of your home! So, how does this work? Visit our "Book Online" page and click on "Remote Shopping" service tab and follow the instructions to book your appointment. You will receive a Zoom link to dial into your video call - sit back and let us show you our collection in real time. The service is free of charge - you only pay for your purchase!

Experince it for yourself and lead the change. Stay safe and continue shopping!


local jewelry store

Incorporated in 2017

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